1. Configuration File Basics
1.1 File Types
Next.js supports two configuration file formats:
// next.config.js - CommonJS format
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
/* config options */
module.exports = nextConfig
// next.config.mjs - ES Modules format
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
/* config options */
export default nextConfig
1.2 Dynamic Configuration
// Function format
module.exports = (phase, { defaultConfig }) => {
return {
/* config options */
// Async function format
module.exports = async (phase, { defaultConfig }) => {
return {
/* config options */
2. Core Configuration Options
2.1 Routing and Rewriting
module.exports = {
// Redirect configuration
async redirects() {
return [
source: '/old-path',
destination: '/new-path',
permanent: true,
// URL rewrites
async rewrites() {
return [
source: '/api/:path*',
destination: 'https://api.example.com/:path*',
// Custom headers
async headers() {
return [
source: '/:path*',
headers: [
key: 'X-Custom-Header',
value: 'value',
2.2 Build Configuration
module.exports = {
// Production build output directory
distDir: 'build',
// Build ID
generateBuildId: async () => {
return 'my-build-id'
// Build compression
compress: true,
// Static page generation config
output: 'standalone',
// Image optimization
images: {
domains: ['example.com'],
deviceSizes: [640, 750, 828, 1080, 1200],
imageSizes: [16, 32, 48, 64, 96],
formats: ['image/webp'],
remotePatterns: [
protocol: 'https',
hostname: 'example.com',
port: '',
pathname: '/images/**',
2.3 Development Tools
module.exports = {
// Development server config
devIndicators: {
buildActivity: true,
buildActivityPosition: 'bottom-right',
// JIT compilation
experimental: {
serverActions: true,
// Development error handling
onDemandEntries: {
maxInactiveAge: 25 * 1000,
pagesBufferLength: 2,
2.4 Internationalization
module.exports = {
i18n: {
locales: ['en', 'fr', 'de'],
defaultLocale: 'en',
domains: [
domain: 'example.com',
defaultLocale: 'en',
domain: 'example.fr',
defaultLocale: 'fr',
2.5 Optimization and Caching
module.exports = {
// Cache configuration
onDemandEntries: {
maxInactiveAge: 25 * 1000,
pagesBufferLength: 2,
// Static optimization
experimental: {
optimizeCss: true,
scrollRestoration: true,
// Build optimization
swcMinify: true,
// Incremental Static Regeneration
staticPageGenerationTimeout: 60,
3. Common Configuration Combinations
3.1 Basic Development Config
module.exports = {
reactStrictMode: true,
swcMinify: true,
compiler: {
removeConsole: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
poweredByHeader: false,
3.2 Production Optimization Config
module.exports = {
compress: true,
generateEtags: true,
poweredByHeader: false,
productionBrowserSourceMaps: false,
reactStrictMode: true,
swcMinify: true,
3.3 Development Environment Config
module.exports = {
devIndicators: {
buildActivity: true,
eslint: {
ignoreDuringBuilds: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
typescript: {
ignoreBuildErrors: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
4. Best Practices
4.1 Environment-based Configuration
module.exports = (phase, { defaultConfig }) => {
const isDev = phase === PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER
return {
// Environment-specific settings
env: {
customKey: isDev ? 'dev_value' : 'prod_value',
4.2 Security Configuration
module.exports = {
async headers() {
return [
source: '/:path*',
headers: [
key: 'Content-Security-Policy',
value: "default-src 'self'",
key: 'X-Frame-Options',
value: 'DENY',
4.3 Performance Optimization
module.exports = {
swcMinify: true,
experimental: {
optimizeCss: true,
images: {
formats: ['image/avif', 'image/webp'],
minimumCacheTTL: 60,
5. Important Notes
Configuration Validation
- Test configurations in development
- Use TypeScript for type hints
- Follow official documentation
Performance Considerations
- Avoid over-configuration
- Balance features and performance
- Test build time impacts
- Handle sensitive information properly
- Configure security headers correctly
- Update dependencies regularly
- Keep configuration files clean
- Add necessary comments
- Modularize complex configurations
6. Guidelines for Usage
Start Simple
- Begin with basic configuration
- Add features as needed
- Understand each option's purpose
Environment Awareness
- Separate development and production configs
- Use environment variables
- Consider different deployment scenarios
Regular Updates
- Monitor Next.js updates
- Review and update configurations
- Remove unused options
- Comment complex configurations
- Document custom solutions
- Maintain change history
- Configuration changes require server restart
- Some options only work in production
- Keep up with official documentation
- Test thoroughly before deployment
Key recommendations for using the Next.js configuration:
Progressive Configuration
- Start with essential options
- Add features gradually
- Avoid unnecessary complexity
Environment Management
- Use environment variables
- Separate development/production settings
- Handle sensitive data properly
Performance Focus
- Optimize build configurations
- Monitor performance impacts
- Use caching effectively
Security Mindset
- Configure security headers
- Protect API routes
- Regular security audits
This translation provides a comprehensive overview of Next.js configuration while maintaining technical accuracy and practical usability. The structure allows for easy reference and implementation in international projects.