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  1. Hello, how are you?
  2. Good morning!
  3. How was your day?
  4. What's for breakfast/lunch/dinner?
  5. Can I help you?
  6. I'm sorry.
  7. Thank you.
  8. You're welcome.
  9. Excuse me.
  10. May I ask a question?
  11. It's nice to meet you.
  12. Have a good day!
  13. What's your name?
  14. Where are you from?
  15. How old are you?
  16. What do you do for work?
  17. What do you like to do for fun?
  18. What's your favorite food/color/movie/book/sport?
  19. Could you please repeat that?
  20. I don't understand.
  21. Could you speak a little slower?
  22. Can you show me how to do that?
  23. What time is it?
  24. Do you have the time?
  25. Do you need help with that?
  26. Do you mind if I join you?
  27. Can I borrow that?
  28. I'll be right back.
  29. What's your phone number?
  30. Can I leave a message?
  31. Can you keep a secret?
  32. How do you spell that?
  33. What's the weather like today?
  34. It's raining/snowing/sunny/cloudy.
  35. What's the temperature?
  36. Can I have a glass of water, please?
  37. Where's the restroom?
  38. How do I get to the nearest bus/train station?
  39. Is this the right way to go to...?
  40. How much is this/that?
  41. Do you accept credit cards?
  42. Can I have a receipt, please?
  43. Excuse me, is this seat taken?
  44. Could you turn down/up the volume, please?
  45. I'm sorry to hear that.
  46. Congratulations!
  47. Good luck!
  48. Take care!
  49. Have a safe trip!
  50. Happy birthday/anniversary!
  51. Merry Christmas/Happy New Year!
  52. What are your plans for the weekend?
  53. I'm looking forward to the weekend.
  54. What did you do last weekend?
  55. Let's catch up soon.
  56. Can we reschedule our meeting?
  57. Sorry, I'm busy at the moment.
  58. I need a break.
  59. I'm exhausted.
  60. I'm feeling under the weather.
  61. How do you feel?
  62. What's your favorite hobby?
  63. Do you play any musical instrument?
  64. Have you travelled anywhere interesting recently?
  65. What's your favorite place to visit?
  66. Can you recommend a good restaurant?
  67. Have you seen any good movies/shows lately?
  68. I can't wait for the weekend/holiday/vacation.
  69. How did you learn English?
  70. Can you lend me some money?
  71. Sorry, I don't have any change.
  72. What's your opinion on...?
  73. What do you think about...?
  74. Why did you do that?
  75. What's the purpose of that?
  76. Can you explain that to me?
  77. I'm not sure what you mean.
  78. I'm not convinced.
  79. It's not easy to understand.
  80. That's a good point.
  81. I agree/disagree with you.
  82. In my opinion/view...
  83. From my experience...
  84. What are the benefits/drawbacks of...?
  85. Can you give some examples?
  86. How do you handle stress?
  87. What's your best piece of advice?
  88. How do you stay motivated?
  89. What's your philosophy in life?
  90. Have you ever had a dream of...?
  91. What's your biggest accomplishment/failure?
  92. What motivates you to succeed?
  93. How do you measure success?
  94. What's your biggest fear?
  95. What's your idea of a perfect day?
  96. How do you relax?
  97. What's your favorite quote?
  98. What's your biggest pet peeve?
  99. What's your favorite memory?
  100. What's next for you?