帮我写一段 rap free style,关于傻逼前端工程师的


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Verse 1:
Listen up, I got a message to send,
About those front-end developers who just can't comprehend,
They act like they know it all, but their code is a mess,
Their websites are slow, and they couldn't care less.

These stupid front-end engineers,
Think they're so great, but they're just shedding tears,
They're wasting everyone's time and money,
Wake up, wake up, honey!

Verse 2:
They use frameworks and libraries like they're their crutch,
But when it comes to actually coding, they don't know much,
They'll put together a website that looks oh-so-nice,
But behind the scenes, it's just a pile of spaghetti code and devices.

These stupid front-end engineers,
Think they're so great, but they're just shedding tears,
They're wasting everyone's time and money,
Wake up, wake up, honey!

Verse 3:
They talk a good game, but they can't back it up,
Their skills are limited and their knowledge is stuck,
They know nothing about optimization or performance,
And their sites are so slow, they make snails look like they're in a hurry.

These stupid front-end engineers,
Think they're so great, but they're just shedding tears,
They're wasting everyone's time and money,
Wake up, wake up, honey!

So if you're a front-end engineer, listen up,
Get your skills and knowledge caught up,
Learn about optimization and performance,
And stop wasting everyone's time and money, cease from your ignorance.
